Sunday, January 1, 2012

My Own Happiness Project

A few months ago I started reading "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin on my way to and from Arizona. I should really read more often. Anyways, I finished it tonight after re-picking it up, again, on my way to and from Arizona for the Holidays. I was thinking about starting my own little Happiness Project (from now on to be referred to as HP) back in October. However, I wasn't convinced. Until, a dear friend, also named Katie, asked if I had read it about a week ago. I was like, "Absolutely - I just finished July!" After some discussion we have determined to start our own. I will resolve to hashtag it: #thekaties'happinessproject on Twitter. So we're doing this. In this moment I feel a little overwhelmed by what this means for the next calendar year. I am still processing all that I read and have yet to select my foci. Foci, such a great plural word. However, while I am still processing, I would like to provide my first few reactions: 1.) The Four Splendid Truths outlined by G-money. (Goodness, I hope Gretchen is alright with that nickname.) - To be happy, you need to consider feeling good, feeling bad, and feeling right, in an atmosphere of growth. I think I do this. Maybe not outlined in this specific way or with such specific purpose, but it will be interesting to explore. - One of the best ways to make yourself happy is to make other people happy; One of the best ways to make other people happy is to be happy yourself. Legit. This is something I forget and remember many times a week. Another snippet: "Attitudes are contagious. Is yours worth catching?" Super cheese, but same concept. - The days are long, but the years are short. Oh do I know it. - You're not happy unless you think you're happy. Pondering this. Thinking about happiness was what got me questioning happiness. Maybe that's just what happens when you grow up. 2.) The Commandments I need to craft mine. Maybe not so much craft, but reflect, recall, and place into words what I know to be true. I like the idea of "Be Katie." More to come.. 3.) Even though I am still working through my areas of focus for each month, I would like to start brainstorming a few: - Energy: Much like G-money, I like starting the year with energy. Workout, go to sleep earlier, eat foods that are mood boosting. I feel good about this one. - Be present: Enjoying the moments. The small things are often the things that give you happiness and what you'll remember years down the road. I always feel hurried, so that is definitely an area for growth! - Clear clutter: I am 24 and I already have an excessive amount of stuff. And an excessive amount of stuff I surely do not need. I'll be moving to a new apartment in April so I want to clear out before I move out. Less to move will be blissful! - Relationships: Maintain them, grow them, or eliminate them if they are creating bad stress. With friends, with family, maybe a lover (partner/dudefriend). I always wish I was better at staying in touch. May one month (and hopefully many more months after) be focused on this. 4.) Instead of the typical NYs resolutions, these will be my resolutions each month. 5.) As a previously self-diagnosed perfectionist, I must continue to remind myself that I won't be perfect. And just because one day isn't perfect, it isn't a sign to jump off the bandwagon and throw my hands in the air in a gesture of defeat. No ma'am. I will not have it. Seeing the clock strike 11:06 pm on my Mac means I need to wrap this puppy up so I can go to sleep earlier, as per energy. Ahh.... 11:12 pm! (6 minutes of editing...) I can't wait to talk with Miss Katie E. about this project!


Happiest of Happy New Years! Woot 2012.


I don't particularly enjoy writing. I never really have. It's always stressed me out since I can remember: from writing 5 paragraph essays in junior high to writing my thesis, to blogging occasionally. However, I just read through my last 10 posts or so (which span the last 8 months, so not an incredibly high number of posts per month), and realize how important it is to share your thoughts. Even if those it's being shared with are question marks of who and when.

It's fun to read my emotions. I remember exactly how I was feeling during those moments: happy, pissed, remorseful, hopeful, and a million other things, I'm sure. I also get a kick out of reading these entries. I don't think of myself as genuinely funny, but I'm absolutely awkward/quirky funny. Maybe only to me. But laughter is good medicine, so at least I am taking some (a lot) of that each day!

I am also keeping a journal-like book for a close friend who is on her mission in Honduras. She has been gone for just over a year now. I vowed to write often when she left. But again, writing isn't my thing, my passion. I've written, a handful of times. Enough to cover quite a few pages, but I want to write more so she can have a journal, robust with the inner workings of Katie, when she returns. I read through it the other night as I was packing for Tucson. I was laughing for a good twenty minutes. It's hilarious. Maybe only to me. Hopefully to Emily as well. But goodness, that needs to keep comin'.

Both of these journeys have inspired - no, that's strong, have encouraged - me to continue to write. Whilst it may not be the one thing I cannot wait to do when I get home from work or when I open my eyes and stretch my muscles in bed on a Saturday morning, it has proven to be a source of entertainment and personal happiness in the end.