Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So I think a lot about happiness. I probably wouldn't think about it as much, if people didn't always say, "You're always so happy." "You are always smiling." Well, fan-flipping-tastic. I never used to think about it. Now I think about it ALL the TIME.

And I have come to the conclusion that I have no idea why I am always happy, always positive. What specifically makes me happy? Talking to people? Being awesome? Obvs.

And then I started to read this book. You may have heard of it. It's called, "The Happiness Project." I think it's on a few best-selling lists somewhere in America. Some chick had everything and wondered why she wasn't as happy as she felt she should be. So she made small changes every month for a year focusing on a different aspect of her life each month. Smart, yes? Then I thought, should I do that? I'm happy. People tell me they perceive me as happy. But am I as happy as I should be? And then I'm like: what the heck does that even mean. I need like a happy-o-meter that I talk to every morning and it just pops out a rating. And then I would know.

I'm about April into the book right now. It's chalk full of interesting tid-bits, but I have learned two things.
1.) A large majority of our happiness is genetic. We are born at a certain happy level. We can do things to boost or lower that level, but it stays within a range. So I guess I got lucky, and I guess some people are SOL. Rough day when I read that paragraph. I still need to do a little research to confirm, but it is what it is.

2.) Enjoy the process. I think somewhere I just got so busy that I forgot to enjoy the process of getting to a goal. During the past few years, I have reached whatever goal I had set, and I didn't feel a sense of accomplishment. It was like, awesome, check, what's next? So I'm working on appreciating the small things, even if it delays a process. Wow, that got deep.

Alright, it's bed time.
Also I ate too many chocolate chips. Dang you, Safeway and your "buy 1 get one 50% baking items" sales.

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